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Friday, December 31


Article 19 of the constitution of Pakistan gives “every citizen the right of freedom of speech and expression” Do you think the citizens of Pakistan enjoys this freedom? Discuss.
Every citizen shall have the right to freedom of speech and expression, and there shall be freedom of the press, subject to any reasonable restrictions imposed by law in the interest of the glory of Islam or the integrity, security or defense of Pakistan.
Every citizen has the right to: join an association/union; freedom of speech and expression; freedom of the Press is guaranteed
Every citizen shall have the right to freedom of speech and expression, and there shall be freedom of the press, subject to any reasonable restrictions imposed by law in the interest of the glory of Islam or the integrity, security or defense of Pakistan or any part thereof, friendly relations with foreign States, public order, decency or morality, or in relation to contempt of court, commission of or incitement to an offence
Blasphemy laws Main article: Blasphemy law in Pakistan
The Pakistani government does not restrict religious publishing per se. However, it restricts the right to freedom of speech with regard to religion. Speaking in opposition to Islam and publishing an attack on Islam or its prophets are prohibited. Pakistan's penal code mandates the death penalty for anyone defiling the name of Muhammad, whom Muslims view as a prophet. This penal code mandates life imprisonment for desecrating the Koran, and up to 10 years' imprisonment for insulting another's religious beliefs with intent to outrage religious feelings.
Pakistan's wickedness laws are considered to be relatively strict, and have been the source of controversy in recent years. It has been alleged in some cases that Muslims who have engaged in public debate about their religion have been prosecuted for wickedness.
It is a common perception that PTV doesn’t portray both sides of an issue? Do you agree? Discuss.
When Pakistan Television (PTV) started broadcasting in 1964, the few hours of transmission would commence with recitation from the Holy Quran.
Advertising, too, was free of any religious images and messages. In fact, PTV’s code prohibited the use of mosques, azan, images of Namaz, etc in advertising as it was considered an exploitation of religion for commercial purposes
PTV channels are family oriented and the salient features of its policy are as follows:
  • PTV Corporation's broadcasts are family oriented and they carters the need of local audience by showing eastern family programs.
  • It also acts on social development theory of media, that’s why it shows informative programs about health and social issues.
  • It also censors commercials and holds a conservative standard as compared to other channels.
  • It supports government policies on national and international matters.

Thursday, December 30

Eng 201 Assignment(Feasibility Reports)

Feasibility Reports
When the managers of a company or an organization plan to undertake a new project
(such as a move, the development of a new product, an expansion, or the purchase of new
equipment) they try to determine the project’s chances for success. A feasibility report
documents the study conducted to help them make this determination. This report
presents evidence about the practicality of the proposed project: How much will it cost/ Is
sufficient personnel available? Are any legal or other special requirements necessary?
Based on the evidence, the writer of the feasibility report recommends whether or not the
project should be carried out. Management then considers the recommendation and
makes the decision.
Before beginning to write a feasibility report, state clearly and concisely the purpose of
the study. In a feasibility report, the scope should include the alternatives for
accomplishing the purpose of the study and the criteria by which each alternative will be
In writing a feasibility report, you must first identify the alternatives and then evaluate
each against your established criteria. After completing these analyses, summarize them
in a conclusion. This summary of relative strengths and weaknesses usually points to one
alternative as the best or most feasible. Make your recommendation on the basis of this
Every feasibility report should contain the following sections: (1) an introduction, (2) a
body, (3) a conclusion, and (4) a recommendation.
The introduction should state the purpose of the report, describe the problems that led to
the report, and include any pertinent background information. You may also discuss the
scope or extent of the report in the introduction and any procedures or methods used in
the analysis of alternatives. Any limitations on the study should be noted here as well.
The body of the report should present a detailed evaluation of all alternatives under
consideration. Evaluate each alternative according to your established criteria. Ordinarily,
each evaluation would comprise a separate section of the body of the report.
The conclusion should summarize the evaluation of all alternatives, usually in the order
discussed in the body of the report.
This section presents the alternative that best meets the criteria.
Source: Brusaw, C. T., Alred, G. J., Oliu, W. E. (1996). The Concise Handbook for
Technical Writing. New York: St. Martin’s Press.

IT430 E-Commerce Assignment#2

Assignment No. 02
Semester: Fall 2010
IT430 E-Commerce

Total Marks: 10
Due Date: 03/01/2011

What are the steps involved in symmetric cryptography? Also explain key management in conventional cryptography using some example.

1) Symmetric Cryptography
When one party wishes to communicate secured data with another and they both share
the same key for encrypting and decrypting the data, the process is known as symmetric
The shared key is referred to as a symmetric key.
Because the same key is used to encrypt and decrypt the data with symmetric
cryptography, the decryption process is essentially a reversal of the encryption process.
Symmetric encryption involves the following steps:
  1. The sender creates an encoded text message by encrypting the plaintext message
 with a symmetric encryption algorithm and a shared key.
2. The sender sends the encoded text message to the recipient.
  1. The recipient decrypts the encoded text message back into plaintext with a shared
2) Conventional cryptography
In conventional cryptography, (also called secret-key or symmetric-key encryption),
one key is used both for encryption and decryption.

Key management in conventional cryptography:

Conventional encryption is very fast. It is especially useful for encrypting data that is not going anywhere. However, conventional encryption alone as a means for transmitting secure data can be quite expensive simply due to the difficulty of secure key distribution.
The expense of secure channels and key distribution relegated its use only to those who could afford it, such as governments and large banks.
Following are the examples of key management in conventional cryptography
1-The Data Encryption Standard (DES): is an example of a conventional crypto system that is widely employed by the Federal Government.

2-Captain Midnight's Secret Decoder Ring: (which is an "encoder" ring as well) is also an example of conventional cryptography which allows you to do a simple substitution encryption. It usually has two concentric wheels of letters, A through Z.

3-Julius Caesar's cipher : The Caesar cipher is named for Julius Caesar who used an alphabet with a left shift of three is also an example of conventional cryptography.

Wednesday, December 29

Isl201-Assignment #2

The recipients of Zakat, according to Quran are as follows:
are for the poor and the needy, and those employed to administer (the
funds); for those whose hearts have been (recently) reconciled (to
truth); for those in bondage and in debt; and for the wayfarer: (Thus is
it) ordained by Allah, and Allah is full of Knowledge and Wisdom."
 (Quran 9:60)
  1. FUQARA: people who are poor and who possess more than their basic needs but do not possess wealth equal to Nisaab.
  2. MASAKEEN: people who are destitute and extremely needy to the extent they are forced to beg for their daily food rations.
  3. AL-AMILEEN: people appointed by an Islamic Government to collect Zakat.
  4. MU-ALLAFATUL-QULUB: persons who have recently accepted Islam and are in need of basic necessities who would benefit from encouragement by Muslims which would help strengthen their faith.
  5. AR-RIQAAB: slaves who are permitted to work for remuneration and have an agreement from their masters to purchase their freedom on payment of fixed amounts.
  6. AL-GHAARIMEEN: persons who have a debt and do not possess any other wealth or goods with which they could repay that which they owe. It is conditional that this debt was not created for any un-Islamic
  7. FI-SABILILLAH: persons who have to carry out an obligatory deed which has become obligatory on them and subsequently (due to loss of wealth) are unable to complete that obligation.
  8. IBN-US-SABEEL: persons who are travelers and during the course of their journey do not possess basic necessities, though they are well to do at home. They could be given Zakat in order to fulfill
    travel needs to return home.
  1. Zakat cannot be given to the descendants of Muhammad (P.B.U.H);
  2. Zakat cannot be given to parents and grandparents. In the same manner one's children and grandchildren cannot be given Zakat. A husband and wife cannot give Zakat to each other.
  3. Zakat contributions cannot be given to such institutions or organizations who do not give the rightful recipients possession of Zakat, but instead use Zakat funds for constructions, investment or

Allah says in the Quran:
parable of those who spend their wealth in the way of Allah is that of a
grain of corn. It grows seven ears and each ear has hundred grains.
Allah increases manifold to whom He pleases." 
(Quran 2:261)
It is stated in the Hadith that by giving Zakat the following benefits are derived:
  1. Gain the pleasure of Allah.
  2. Increase in wealth and protection from losses.
  3. Allah's forgiveness and blessings.
  4. Protection from the wrath of Allah and from a bad death.
  5. A shelter on the Day of Judgment;
  6. Security from seventy misfortunes.

Allah says in the Quran:
there are those who hoard gold and silver and do not spend it in the
way of Allah, announce to them a most grievous penalty (when) on the Day
of Judgment heat will be produced out of that wealth in the fire of
Hell. Then with it they will be branded on their forehead and their
flanks and backs. (It will be said to them) This is the treasure which
you hoarded for yourselves, taste then the treasure that you have been
(Al-Quran 9:34-35)

Tuesday, December 28

Start Online Forum

3: Start Online Forum:
You can make money online by starting a online forum & putting adsense or affiliate ads on it.
This idea is particularly more popular in Pakistan because people like to have discussion online.
Here are some ideas like

Cricket Discussion Forum, Sports forum, city forum, fashion, Women Discussion Forum, shopping, Political Discussion Forum Student Discussion forum, where students can login and ask questions and other students can answer those.
Doctors Forum, where people can ask questions about health problems
Business Forum, where business men can meet and share ideas etc.
They are endless possibilities; you can choose any as per your expertise.
Once you have decided what will be topic of your forum, then next step is to build a forum.
Once you have gotten the website, next step is to install free forum software.
You would also need to apply for an adsense account so that you can make money from it.
Once you have your forum established make sure to moderate your forum on daily basis and add new posts and reply to questions.
You will start seeing money coming in to your account through these efforts, although it may take some time.

MCM-101-Fall 2010 assignment Solution:

MCM - 101_Fall 2010_Assignment solution:

Pakistani Electronic media Role in the Help of Flood victims Relief Pakistan in 2010

Non commercial issues:

can be used to inform, educate and motivate the public about non-commercial issues, such as AIDS, political ideology, energy conservation, religious recruitment, and deforestation Advertising, in its non-commercial guise, is a powerful educational tool capable of Reaching and motivating large audiences. In Pakistan, 19 percent of adults (age 18+) smoke tobacco .Almost one-third (32 percent of men and 6 percent of women smoker. Among youth (age 13-15) in Islamabad, 1 percent smoke cigarettes (boys 2 percent; girls 0.6 percent) and 9.5 percent use tobacco products other than cigarettes (boys 11 percent; girls 7 percent). For example in this time the campaign of against smoking In Pakistan is very popular and many peoples leave this bad habits due to its danger and this is all credit go to health department and Media Advertise.
Another: example of non commercial issue campaign against Polio virus in little kids in Pakistan .Cause of this advertisement common man get knowledge about this problem they understand of its drawbacks.

Flood in Pakistan in 2010
In July 2010 due to heavy monsoon raining in All Pakistan Punjab, Sindh, Blochistan, and also in the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa .Approximately one-fifth of Pakistan's total land area was underwater. According to Pakistani government data the floods directly affected about 20 million people, mostly by destruction of property, livelihood and infrastructure, with a death toll of close to 2,000. Floods have submerged 17 million acres (69,000km2) of Pakistan's most fertile crop land, have killed 200,000 herds of livestock and have washed away massive amounts of grain. A major concern is that farmers will be unable to meet the fall deadline for planting new seeds in 2010, which implies a massive loss of food production in 2011, and potential long term food shortages. The agricultural damages are more than 2.9 billion dollars, according to recent estimates, and include over 700,000 acres (2,800 km2) of lost cotton crops, 200,000 acres (810 km2) of sugar cane and 200,000 acres (810km2) of rice, in addition to the loss of over 500,000 tones of stocked wheat, 300,000 acres (1,200 km2) of animal fodder and the stored grain losses.
Economic effects
This flood damage Pakistani Economy is very deeply now Pakistani nation is need that world help for improve and cover the flood side effect. But its not very easy first task for Pakistani media that attention to all over the world, what’s happened in Pakistan? And what is the true picture in flood areas? And only media is first approach to disaster area’s and its live coverage and update minute by minute. its large scale disaster so its effect is create problem for all nation .For example the International Labour Organization reported that more than 5.3 million jobs have been lost due to the floods. And this data tells to world, is the task for media. Approximately loose of highway and railway 158 million and 131 million rupees.

 Need Help
                    In this condition a lot of peoples home less and many peoples loose there crops ,many families that only spending life on the behalf of animals for sale milk and sale the animals for beef, they loose everything due to this flood every where seen only water, nothing to eat no home and raining is continuity  appear in this situation. On this time lot of problem for Pakistani Government and local management but that time not only participated NGO but also Pakistani T.V channel run campaign for fund razing for flood relief. Flood affected need for the help of all world and specially friends of Pakistan like China, Saudi Arabic, and others Arabic countries. In this time it’s very necessary that media front forward and take pivotal role. We are living in the age of information explosion, where the world has shrunk into a global village, use of this tool of Media is very important for flood related peoples. By the end of July 2010, Pakistan had appealed to international donors for help in responding to the disaster.

Non Commercial Role of Pakistani Electronic media, T.V channels, in 2010 flood

The role of the media would be equally significant during the upcoming phases of rehabilitation and reconstruction of flood affected areas. The in-depth coverage given by electronic media to the devastation caused by floods in different parts of the country And all Pakistan effects of this deserter. This helped in sensitizing the people throughout country as well as Pakistani community living abroad. Pakistani TVs channels for example Express news, PTV, Geo TV,  Sama TV, Ary News, Dawn news, Aaj television, etc theses channels not only coverage of flood relief also its highlight the problems of that area and give to the true picture for government for taking idea about the condition and looses there happen. It’s also courage the world that attention to the flood area.

(1) PTV collects from fundraising 450 millions. 

(2) Express news, PTV, Geo TV, Sama TV, Ary News, Dawn news, give live coverage in flood areas.

(3) Making special documentary film and reports.

(4)Cover all fundraising function even it’s in government sector and private sector.

(5) Persuade common person to help for flood affected peoples with free advertise.

(6)Helping, coverage and participated or corporate with NGO,s, for collect money for          Flood victims for Example
Imran Khan  & MKRF, Express Helpline Trust, Pakistan Zindagi Trust
Khidmat Khalq Foundation, Edhi Foundation.

Electronic Media against Polio virus,

                        Polio is very danger’s that make physically illegibility for all life in kids its human disease and it’s caused of polio virus. Before few years Pakistan government stared program polio free Pakistan. Main target of this program is developing immunity in little kids it’s started to Vaccination in all newly burn babies. In first health worker is going door to door and drink to kids polio drop but lake of education and illiteracy peoples not get accepted results. In this condition health department started comparing of this project on television and almost all TV channels that seen in Pakistan .peoples interstate in this program after see this advertisement. TVs channels inform to peoples about polio virus and its loose, this advertisement persude, inform to public for drink polio virus to little kids. They understand the benefit of this campaign.

Dengue fever and Television,
In the 2006 dengue outbreak in Pakistan, a significant rise in the number of dengue fever cases was reported in Pakistan, becoming the country's worst health crisis; there are signs that the infectious disease is spreading to different parts of the country. Though the outbreak seemed to settle down during the winter season it was expected to recur next year in spring. In this case against department health use electronic media for inform to public its cure and treatment prevention. Television run little commercials about this fever like this mosquito only attack in evening so close your home door and windows sun set. Its useful and successful way of information so this advertisement is helps the peoples for control and safety against this disease.

2(Advertising Handbook)
3Course lectures number 21

Saturday, December 25

SOC101 Today's solved Quiz


Question # 1 of 10 ( Start time: 07:17:34 PM )  Total Marks: 1 
Which of the following look for answers in factors outside the individual? 
Select correct option: 

Question # 2 of 10 ( Start time: 07:18:43 PM )  Total Marks: 1 
Which of the following is involved when a surgeon chooses not to operate on her own son because the personal involvement of motherhood could impair her professional objectivity as a physician? 
Select correct option: 
 Role strain  
 Role ambiguity  
 Role conflict  
 Role exit   

Question # 3 of 10 ( Start time: 07:19:55 PM )  Total Marks: 1 
Salma joined an organization to pursue the goals which she considered morally worthwhile. Identify the type of organization. 
Select correct option: 

Question # 4 of 10 ( Start time: 07:21:01 PM )  Total Marks: 1 
In some cases Hindus feel their own culture as superior to others, they show: 
Select correct option: 

Question # 5 of 10 ( Start time: 07:22:15 PM )  Total Marks: 1 
Lack of interest in success but supports the means is ________, mode of adoption. 
Select correct option: 

Question # 6 of 10 ( Start time: 07:23:03 PM )  Total Marks: 1 
________ is process whereby people learn through interaction with others. 
Select correct option: 

Question # 7 of 10 ( Start time: 07:24:04 PM )  Total Marks: 1 
In UK the peak age for offending boys and girls is: 
Select correct option: 
 17 years
 16 years 
 19 years
 18 years

Question # 8 of 10 ( Start time: 07:24:53 PM )  Total Marks: 1 
How many factors lead to the development of sociology as a discipline? 
Select correct option: 

Question # 9 of 10 ( Start time: 07:26:20 PM )  Total Marks: 1 
Weber claimed that class divisions derive not only from control or lack of control of the means of production, another element also affects it which is: 
Select correct option: 
 Social pressure 
 Economic differences
 Political pressure 
 Cultural factors

 Question # 10 of 10 ( Start time: 07:27:16 PM )  Total Marks: 1 
Quaid –e-Azam being a great leader of Pakistan is ___________ for Pakistanis. 
Select correct option: 
 Reference individual
 Social planner

In 1973 who gave Control theory?
Which one of the following analyzes that when there is variation in social influences it is the resultant variation in behavior?
We have an aggressive drive, which Freud called as:
 Generalized other
  Death instinct
  Culture includes

 A social system based largely on individual achievement and it permits considerable social mobility is recognized as:
 Closed system
 Open system
 Traditional system
 Feudal system
 A person playing baseball treats members of the other team as:
 Unique individuals
  People who don’t know him/her (not confirm)
  Generalized others
People with unique roles
_______ agents are the sources from which we learn about society and ourselves.
The process of creating new cultural elements out of the existing elements is known as
: Which one of the following is not included in theories of Biological explanations of deviance?
Body type
XYY’ theory
 Personality disorders

 The greater the person’s access to legitimate opportunity, the greater the advantages of conformity was the idea presented by:
 Robert k Merton
 Ceasare Lombroso
W. Reckless
 T. Hirschi  

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