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Saturday, April 16

MCM 431 Assignment# 1 Solution

MCM431 Assignment No. 01
Development Communication
Semester Spring 2011
Question No.1 (5)
What you understand by the term Sustained Development?
According to the WCED, this is "development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs."
Sustainable development implies economic growth together with the protection of environmental quality, each reinforcing the other. The essence of this form of development is a stable relationship between human activities and the natural world, which does not diminish the prospects for future generations to enjoy a quality of life at least as good as our own. Many observers believe that participatory democracy, undominated by vested interests, is a prerequisite for achieving sustainable development (Source: Mintzer, 1992).
Development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. Sustainable development respects the limited capacity of an ecosystem to absorb the impact of human activities.
Question # 2:-
Women Development is on the top list agenda of United Nations. Why this phenomenon is important for Pakistan? Support your answer with valid reasons
The need for integrating women in the development process was placed on the international agenda in 1975, when the UN observed International Women's Year.
Among the many concrete steps taken in this regard after the 1975 world conference on women was the creation of two UN bodies, UNIFEM and INSTRAW.
A result of the energetic advocacy of women at the first world conference on women, the United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM) was established by the
United Nations General Assembly in 1976 to provide direct support to development projects for women. Originally set up as the Voluntary Fund for the Decade for
Women, the Fund was asked to help improve the living standards of women in developing countries by addressing their concerns through providing direct technical and financial support and by promoting the inclusion of women in the decisionmaking process of mainstream development programmes. In 1985, the Fund became an autonomous body in association with the UN Development Programme (UNDP) and was renamed UNIFEM.
Sometimes described as a bridge between international organizations, policy makers and disadvantaged women, UNIFEM is an aid to and advocate for women of the developing world. Currently, UNIFEM works at the country level through its 10 regional offices. Among its priority areas are trade and industry, credit, science and technology, agriculture and food security, and policy-making and national planning.
It also targets critical issues on the global agenda to ensure that gender is included in international policies such as those related to refugees and displaced persons, violence against women, human rights, global governance and environment. UNIFEM has recently established a woman's human rights programme aimed at strengthening the capacity of women's organizations that work on human rights.
The United Nations International Research and Training Institute for the
Advancement of Women (INSTRAW), established in 1975 by the General Assembly on the recommendation of the first world conference on women, is an autonomous body within the UN system with a mandate to carry out research, training and information activities worldwide to promote women as key agents for sustainable development.
Operating from its headquarters in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, the
Institute performs research projects to identify barriers that impede women's equality in the process of social, economic and political development. INSTRAW analyzes existing research material by interacting and working with Governments, UN agencies and academic institutions, as well as non-governmental organizations and other entities. INSTRAW's experience has proved that the greatest problem affecting women is invisibility. With this purpose, INSTRAW develops new ways of understanding, new methodologies and statistics for training programmes and methods linked to issues such as:
Economic empowerment;
Collection of statistics and indicators on women's work in the formal and informal sectors;
Availability of statistics on elderly women;
Women and time-use;
Statistics on women in the informal sector in industry, trade and services;
Migration of women and the methodological issues involved in the measurement and analysis of internal and international migration;
Women, water and sanitation and women and water management;
New and renewable sources of energy;
Women and environmental management;
The role of women in environmentally sound and sustainable development;
The image and participation of women in alternative and mass media;
Gender and development studies, including training material.
We look at the history and our religion, the women were allowed to do business and they were quite good at it, biggest example is Hazrat Khadija (may peace be upon her) the first wife of the Holy Prophet Mohammad (may peace be upon him). The role of women in country’s development and rapid growth is simply can not be ignored but the fact remains that their potential is not being fully utilised in Pakistan as yet.
Women in Pakistan are expected to adopt the role of a house wife and to serve the whole family. I have seen alot of talented, highly educated ladies who could become very good entrepreneurs, are spending their time in managing the house and the family despite their strong urge to set up their own businesses. The reason comes out as usual “they are not allowed by their families or husbands”
I consider that violation of basic human rights that our religion gave the women 1400 years ago. The man’s ego wont allow his life partner to earn equally or more than him.
The in laws think that a women’s role is just to look after them. Come on folks! She has a heart too, she has her own dreams which she always put aside to play her role as a house wife. In my opinion women are far more better than us in time management,
they are task oriented, better and multi tasking and far better in communication skills
if they have a solid educational back ground. They manage kids, manage the house,
look after her husbands parents and at times whole family, she manages the routine
house hold, she is very good at budgeting and savings, very good administrator, very
good at handling stress and pressure, good in convincing through logic and above all
very patient. So why waste such a tremendous talent?
If we go through the statistics, nearly 65% of the female doctors dont do jobs after
their marriages, 80% of business graduates sit at home after marriages, not even 10 %
of the educated women are enterprenuers and running their own business on their
own, their scope of jobs is always limited to teaching, customer care, call centres,
designing, training and fashion. They need a fresh break as they could do far better
than that. Men by nature in Pakistan are un-organised and dont contribute any thing
to manage the house apart from bringing the money to run it. The lady of the house
needs his support as she works like a robot in a monotonous routine for years. Our
Prophet may peace be up on him, used to do all chores at home by himself despite
having more than one wives. But here in our society, the man needs his wife to get his
house organised, his kids very well looked after, special attention to his parents, a nice
clean and calm house, a VIP treatment to his friends and relatives, his ward robe
organised, take care of family affairs, attend the family functions with enthusiasm,
manage house hold from groceries to shopping for him and kids. If she could do all
that why not try talents in her field of interest if she wans to try her luck in business
or in a job.
I have met a lot of muli-talented ladies who are running big businesses excellently and
managing their house equally good. In order to grow as nation we need their presence
in all fields whether its education, IT, Telecom, Small and medium enterprises,
Textiles, Banking, Health care, Fashion, Electronic and print media, HR and all
other possible venues for them.
The biggest support they need is from their life partners who could convince their
family members that they can do far better than what they are already doing
provided given a fair chance to them to perform and prove their worth. They need to
join hands with men to contribute to the over all growth of the country but for that
they need equal opportunities in the jobs and assurance from their families that they
can pursue their carriers in the way they want with out disturbing their family life. It
is often considered that women who want to do job or want to set up their own
businesses want an un necessary freedom and can be victom of modern society evils.
But this is not the case, men have always kept double standards, they do things which
they are not supposed to do in accordance with our religious norms and social taboos
but on the other hand they would always build barriers and walls around women so
that they can not get to know whats going on in the world around them and lead a life
of a well’s frog! If men know how to carry themselves in the society so should be the
women, its a mere dillema that men always considered them the best in decision
making and handling crisis but I have seen working women performing miracles in the
work they do by adopting firm business and work ethics and above all cause of their
natural ability to cope hard work and stress. It time for all women to stand up and
speak for their basic living right and with their presence already in the national
assembly, raise their voice to get his right to change the world around them which is
wrongly dominated by the men. they have education, talent and a strong will to
compete men in all fields of practical life. there presence should not be limited to
certain agreed and determined fields by our society, they should be given a chance to
pursue their dreams, earn their own livelihood, become less dependent on men who
always use women’s dependency as their weakness. We need a rapid growth to have a
strong stance against the overall economic turmoil in the country and across the
world and for that we should allow women to come forward and join hands with men
to be part of the progress and growth of Pakistan in the days to come.
Economic indicators suggest that life will be very tough in the coming years, a single
earning hand in a house hold wont be sufficient to survive. Governement can not
always come to our support and if you talk of Pakistani governments officials and our
leaders, they are too busy in making a life time fortune in the time they are in
government and power, so realistically we should not be relying on them at all. men
and women have to work together to survive in the coming days. Our society has
already seeing a change where kids now work and study at colleges at the parallel to
cover their education expenses and the next step would be the partnership of men and
women to carry the burdon of expenses by equal sharing. I would request all women
with bachelors, masters and PHD degrees and doing nothing, to come forward and
join hands with all of us. They are as much entitled as men to choose their destiny in
life, its not correct that if they are married they lead their life on men’s dictation
whether its right or wrong. Our religion allows women to work and earn with ceratin
conditions which are not at all difficult to manage. Its a dilemma that we would hire
the most beautiful lady we can in our office but we will not allow our wives to go out
and work with a reason that our society is not good enough to allow them to work
outside. What is the out side world for women in Pakistan, its a world full of men like
us who should learn to give respect to women at the work place then the society
would easily accomodate alot more working women. We should develop a working
environment where all parents and husbands send their daughters and wives with out
any worry and second thoughts to their work places.
Its not all about dominating women, it should be all about accomodating them when
they already sacrifice each and every second of their life for our comfort and ease. I
am positive that Women in Pakistan certainly deserve more space and confidence
from us than they are currently getting. Its their life as well but we are currently
trying to control each movement in their life like puppet masters controlling the
moves and moods of a puppet but women are human beings not robots or puppets,
they have likes and dislikes, they have ambitions, they have plans for themselves also,
they want to get fame out of their work and business, they want to achieve success,
they want to be treated well, they need an understaning life partner, they need us to
provide comfort to them in life, they need their share in the progress and development
of Pakistan, they need to be in the field of work they find appropriate, they need to
equal chances to earn their livelihoods, they need to maintain their grace and dignity,
they need a bunch of family members around them who show confidence in them and
ensure their full support to let them see success in life.
But a society dominated by men in Pakistan is hardly doing it, they want the out side
world of theirs a total secret to their female life partners, they dont share rather they
snatch and impose, they heart feelings rather then boosting the morales with
encouragement. We had a female head of the state by the name of Ms. Benazir
Bhutto, whos was miles ahead of all male politicians of her time in terms of courage,
determination, know how of internal and external politics, planning for the
betterment of the deprived people in Pakistan and above all had all necessary
administrative and managerial skills to manage and run a government dominated by
95% of men. She was better than most of them, if we cant accept it we should have a
look at the independt analysis of experts and specialists in the field who still rate her
death as a huge loss to Pakistan and democratic movement here.
Can we be a far more open minded and realistic when it comes to possible good role of
women in Pakistan’s growth? I strongly urge that its about time that we all do it.

FIN 630 GDB Solution

FIN 630 GDB Solution
Semester Spring,2011

SNT Inc. is a Public Limited Company. In the following year, one of the objectives of Company is to make its shares more attractive for the investors by increasing the affordability of its shares for the lower income investors. Currently Company’s share is selling for Rs. 200 per share (which is considered an expensive share by the investors) and company is having 6, 000 outstanding shares. Now Company has two options:

1.  4-for-1 Stock split

2. 1-for-2 Reverse stock split


Calculate the par value per share for option 1



New trading price = 200/4 = 50


Calculate the par value per share for option 2


New number of shares = 6000/2 = 3000

New trading price = 200 * 2 = 400

C. Which option the company should select in order to meet its objective and why?


I will select Option 1 because low price attract more Investors.

Your answer should be in such format:

Par value per share for option 1= 50

Par value per share for option 2= 400

Company should select= Option 1

Reason of selection= low Price Attract More investors.

FIN 623 GDB Solution

FIN 623 GDB Solution
Semester Spring 2011

Taxes are the main source of revenue for the government.
The government uses tax revenues to fund military Spending, retirement programs, health care and to Pay down the interest on the national debt.
The Government also uses taxes to influence the behaviors of Its citizens and corporations.

Friday, April 15

HRM 611 Assignment# 1 Solution

HRM611 Assignment#01 Idea Solution

Suppose you are appointed as a management trainee in a multinational organization. Every one in the organization has its own motives or needs to satisfy themselves. Would you rather work for a manager high in need for achievement, need for affiliation, or need of power/?
Why? What are the advantages and disadvantages of each?
6+9 (3+3+3) =15

I would work for Need of Achievement

a. achieving my goals and professional excellence
b. will get promoted fast
c. company will be achieving its goals by my work
d. I will make my position strong in company
e. Power will come with position

My colleges will not be friendly to me
my family may not have quality time
work more than others
will need to be more active than commonly expected

Need for Affiliation
a. People happy
b. Workers will be good friends
c. Commonly expected and quality time given as per my own priority
a. Company not benefited as I can benefit it
b. Some one soon may replace me
c. Goals may not be achieved
d. Slow promotion
e. Inefficiency in profession

Need for Power 

a. will get power fast 
b. Prominent in organization
c. Not working much but looking busy
d. More time available

a. Disliking of management
b. Goals of organization not achieved
c. I may fail my boss
d. Market may not be made for my self (bad repute)
e. I will get no or late promotions
f. Need for power will be a negative step in future.

FIN 622 Assignment# 1 Solution

Solution Idea of Assignment No. 1

Q # 1:
(a) Current Ratio:
Current Assets / Current Liabilities
       166,689   /   219,186 = 0.76
(b) Quick Ratio:
Quick Assets = Total Current Assets – Inventory
166,689   -    104,339 = 62,350
Quick Assets / Current Liabilities
    62,350   /     219,186 = 0.28
(c) Cash Ratio:
Cash + Cash Equivalents / Current Liabilities
18,288 + 0 / 219,186 = 0.0834
(d) Total Debt Ratio:
Total Assets = Total Equity + Total Debt
Total Assets – Total Equity / Total Assets
  748,879 – 339,693 / 748,879 = 0.5463
(e) Debt Equity Ratio:
Total Liabilities / Total Shareholder Equity
           409,186   /   339,693 = 1.20Q # 2:
Req (i):
= CCF x {[(1+i/m) nxm-1] / (i/m)}
= 850 x {[(1+0.08/4)6x4-1] / (0.08 / 4)}
= 850 x {[(1+0.02)24-1] / (0.02)}
= 850 x {[1.608-1] / (0.02)]
= 850 x {[0.608] / (0.02)}
= 850 x 30.4
= 25,840 Ans
Req (ii):
= CCF x {[(1+i/m) nxm-1] / (i/m)}
= 1700 x {[(1+0.09/2)6x2-1] / (0.09 / 2)}
= 1700 x {[(1+0.045)12-1] / (0.045)}
= 1700 x {[1.6958814] / (0.045)]
= 1700 x {[0.6958814] / (0.045)}
= 1700 x 15.4640312
= 26,288.853  Ans
Req (iii):
Second plan would be more feasible keeping the value of saving in

ECO 401 Assignment # 1 Solution

Assignment No.01 Marks: 20
Semester Fall 2011

Suppose the market demand and market supply for Levis jeans is given by the
following equations:
Qd = 5000 – 2.5P
Qs = 4000 + 1.5P

A. Find quantity demanded when price is Rs. 250, Rs. 450 and Rs. 650.

Quantity demand is found by putting the values of P in quantity demand equation.

1. when the price is Rs.250
Qd = 5000 – 2.5P
Qd = 5000 – 2.5(250)
Qd = 4375 units
2.when price is Rs.450
Qd = 5000 – 2.5P
Qd = 5000 – 2.5(450)
Qd = 3875 units
3.when price is Rs.650
Qd = 5000 – 2.5P
Qd = 5000 – 2.5(650)
Qd = 3375 units

B. Find quantity supplied when price is Rs. 200, Rs. 400 and Rs. 600.
Quantity supplied is found by putting the values of P in quantity supplied equation.
1. when the price is Rs.200
Qs = 4000 + 1.5P
Qs = 4000 + 1.5(200)
Qs = 4300 units
2.when price is Rs.400
Qs = 4000 + 1.5P
Qs = 4000 + 1.5(400)
Qs = 4600 units

3.when price is Rs.600
Qs = 4000 + 1.5P
Qs = 4000 + 1.5(600)
Qs = 4900 units

C. Find equilibrium price and equilibrium quantity with the help of above

The equilibrium price for Levis jeans is found by equating Qd and Qs.

At equilibrium,the quantity demand and quantity supply must equal
                        5000 – 2.5P=  4000 + 1.5P
Equilibrium price =Rs.250

Equilibrium quantity can found by puuting this price in equation of quatity demand or quantity supply
                                                Qs = 4000 + 1.5P
                                                Qs = 4000 + 1.5(250)
Qs = 4375 units

At equilibrium, At equilibrium,the quantity demand and quantity supply must equal
Equilibrium price at 250
                        5000 – 2.5(250)=  4000 + 1.5(250)
                        4375 units=4375 units

D. Show the equilibrium condition in Levis jeans market graphically.
Marks: A=3(1 for each value), B=3(1 for each value), C=8(4 for each value), D=6

Thursday, April 14

MTH 101 Assignment#1 Solution

MTH 101 Assignment #1 Solution
Semester Spring 2011
 Question #1 Not Solved

IT 430 Assignment# 1 Solution

IT430 Assignment #1 Solution
Assignment No. 1 Marks: 15
Semester Spring 2011
Question# 1(a)Not Solved
Question# 1 (3+7)
a) Consider an office environment in which we have 10 stand alone computers, one printer and one scanner.
Which topology is suitable for the given scenario? Support your answer with at least two reasons.

b) Write an HTML program that creates a table containing a list of Universities in Islamabad using ordered and unordered lists. Set the background color to green. Each University name should be liked with its particular website. By clicking on the University name it must lead the user to the respective University website e.g.
<HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE> List of Universities in Pakistan</TITLE> </HEAD> <BODY BGCOLOR="LIME" TEXT="BLUE"> <H1>List of Universities in Islamabad</H1> <BR> <P> <table border=1> <tr> <td> <ol> <li> Public Sector University </li> </ol> </td> <td>
<ol><li> Private Sector University </li>
<li><a>Air University</a>
<li><a>Riphah International University , Islamabad </a>
<tr> <td> <ul> <li><a>Allama Iqbal Open University</a> </li> </ul> </td> <td> <ul> <li><a> FOUNDATION UNIVERSITY , ISLAMABAD</a> </li> </ul> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>
<li><a>Bharia University , Islambad</a> </li> </ul> </td> <td> <ul> <li><a>National University of Computer and Emerging Sciences</a> </li> </ul> </td> </tr> <tr cols="2"> <td> <ul> <li><a>Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad </a> </li>
</td> </tr> <tr cols="2"> <td> <ul> <li><a>International Islamic University, Islamabad </a> </li> </ul> </td> </tr> </table> </BODY> </HTML>


MGT 501 Assignment# 1 Solution

  Human Resource Management (MGT501)
Assignment No. 1 Marks: 15 
Semester Spring 2011
The growing importance of HR

With the march of awareness towards Human Resource Management, an HR Manager in an organization has become a hub or a central person whom must be consulted while taking any important decision regarding the organization.

The new trends like workforce diversity, technological advancement, globalization and emergence of knowledge workers has changed the themes of treating workers as machines. Now workers are treated as the most dynamic and valuable assets for the organizations that cause in separation of HR activities from the administrative activities.

With the given scenario, you are required to answer the following questions.

Q1. In your opinion, how HR activities are different from administrative activities? (10 marks)
Q2. Provide an example to explain that HR Manager must be consulted while taking any important decision. (05)
Word Limit: 300 at the most


Question no# 1
In your opinion, how HR activities are different from administrative activities?
According to most recent facts and researches an HR Manager in an organization has become a central person who must be consulted while taking any important decision regarding the organization which cause in separation of HR activities from the administrative activities.

HR activities
1. HR sets payroll for employee.
2. HR helps in selection and hiring.
3. HR sets work time for employees.
4. HR provides compensation benefits
5. HR helps in designing leaves system
6. HR affords insurance coverage to employees.
Administrative activities
1. Administration makes sure its transfer to employees in time.
2. Administration helps in training and development.
3. Administration makes sure its implementation.
4. Administration makes sure its transfer.
5. Administration helps in Maintain the leave management system.
6. Administration helps in maintaining the record of insurance coverage.
Question no# 2
Provide an example to explain that HR Manager must be consulted while taking any important decision?
 In this competitive world role of HR Manager is very demanding and makes HR Manger involve in each decision of organization.

In my views HR Manger must be consulted while taking important decision of hiring new employees because in the end these are people (employees) who make the difference. If an organization hires good, honest, educated, energetic, dedicated and experienced persons then organization will grow faster than market.

Wednesday, April 13

MGMT 630 GDB Solution

MGMT630 GDB Solution

Seven Levers of Strategy Telecommunication sector of Pakistan

Analysis of may cases indicates seven commonly used levers Telecommunication sector of Pakistan:

1-      Customer Knowledge:
  First lever is customer Knowledge which is focusing on the developing deep knowledge through customer relationship(RM) and also using it to enhance customer success through improves p[roducts and services. Developing good customer knowledge also needs effective envoirnment scanningand market intelligence system togather and collate knowledge.     

2-      Knowledge in products and Services:
The second lever is very important that is related with knowledge of products and services telecommunication of Pakistan must have embading knowledge in products and surrounding them with knowledge intensive services.
3-      Knowledge in People:
Knowledge in people is the 3rd lever of Knowledge Management that is used by Telecomminication sector of Pakistan. Telecomminication sector of Pakistan developing human competencies and nurturing an innovative culture where learning is valued knowledge is shared.
Learning Programs typically mesh competence development activties at several levels indiuals, team and organization.

4-      Knowledge in Process:
Knowledge in processes embading the telecommunication sector of Pakistan into business process, and giving access to expertise at critical points.
Every business process contains embaded knowledge. One way to enrich knowledge in process is to embed backup resource material.Acces to human expertise is avaible on IT system through a click here for help.
5-      Orgniozational Memory:
Organizational memory record existing experience for future use, both in the form of explict knowledge repositries and developing pointers to experties.
This  lever is  focusing  on organizational memory which is strategic lever helps adress the issue of “Knowing what you Know. It is also used to avoid repeating the mistakes of the past, and to draw lessons from similoar situations or cases from elswhere. Some examples of Knowledge databasees Includes:
6-    Knowledge in Relationships

Forexample when a salesperson leaves the Telecommunication sector of pakistan it is not just their products or customer knowledge that is lost. It may be much of the customer relationship. This relationship involes shared knowledge and understanding not just of needs and information, but of deeper knowledge such as behaviors, motivations personal characteristics, ambition and feelings. Such depth of knowledge is not easily replaced overnight.
          7-     Knowledge as an Asset:

Telecommunication sector of Pakistan the starting point of any asset based approach is that understanding its different components:
  • Human Capital: it is the capital that is the minds of individuals, knowledge, competencies, experience, know How and etc.
  • Structural Capital: the capital that is left after employee go home for the night Process, Information system, database and etc.
  • Customer Capital: Customer relationships, brands, trademark and so on.

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