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Friday, April 22

HRM 627 Assignment# 1 Solution

Human Resource Development (HRM627)
Assignment No. 1 Solution
Following are some scenarios for which you are provided with illustrations. You
are required to “NAME” what concept has been portrayed in each case; and also
brief characteristics of that particular concept.

Note: Only in the case of Assignment, 24 Hrs extra / grace period after the due date is usually available to overcome uploading difficulties which may be faced by the students on last date. This extra time should only be used to meet the emergencies and above mentioned due dates should always be treated as final to avoid any inconvenience.

Important Instructions:
Please read the following instructions carefully before attempting the assignment solution.

S. No. Scenario Illustration Concept
Characteristics of
Ali arrives late at office and is threatened by his manager for this. Although his
manager himself does not care about time and always reaches late in meetings etc. In most organizations the boss can interrupt progress to hold an unplanned meeting in the middle of the work day; some bosses schedule a meeting for a specific time and expect all involved parties to be punctual.

Mr. Sajid (the boss) thinks that most employees in his organization are only out for themselves, and their sole interest in the job is to earn money. Employees are assumed to put their individual concerns above that of the organization for which they work.

Sara desires to work on a math equation, because a challenge of finding a solution provides sense of pleasure to her. Writing short stories because you really enjoy writing them, reading a nonfiction book because you are inquisitive about the topic.

• Make sure that you upload the solution file before the due date. No
assignment will be accepted through e-mail once the solution has
been uploaded by the instructor.

Formatting guidelines:
• Use the font style “Times New Roman” and font size “12”.
• It is advised to compose your document in MS-Word 2003.
• Use black and blue font colors only.

Solution guidelines:
• Use APA style for referencing and citation. For guidance search
“APA reference style” in Google and read various website
containing information for better understanding or visit
• Every student will work individually and has to write in the form of an analytical assignment.
• Give the answer according to question, there will be negative marking for irrelevant material.
• For acquiring the relevant knowledge don’t rely only on handouts
but watch the video lectures and use other reference books also.
Rules for Marking
Please note that your assignment will not be graded or graded as Zero (0) if:
• It has been submitted after due date
• The file you uploaded does not open or is corrupt
• It is in any format other than .doc (MS. Word)
• It is cheated or copied from other students, internet, books, journals etc.


1. Critical parent ego
2. Adapted child ego
3. Natural child ego
1. Critical Parent Ego State
When you behave and respond with evaluative responses that are critical, judgmental, opinionated, demanding, disapproving, disciplining, and so on, you are in critical parent ego state. People in the critical parent ego use a lot of do’s and don’ts. Managers using the autocratic style tend to be in critical parent ego state because they use high task/directive behavior

2. Adopted Child Ego State
When you behave with confronting responses that express rebelliousness, pouting, anger, fear, anxiety, inadequacy, procrastination, blaming others, and so on, you are in adapted child ego state. Managers should avoid behaving from the adapted child ego state because this type of behavior often leads to the employee becoming emotional and behaving in a similar manner. When managers are transacting with an employee in this ego state, they should not react with similar behavior, but should be in the adult ego state.

3. Natural Child Ego State
When you behave and respond with probing responses that shows curiosity, intimacy, fun, joyfulness, fantasy, impulsiveness, and so on, you are in natural child ego state. Successful managers do not tend to continuously operate from the natural child ego state

MGT 111 GDB Solution

MGT111 GDB Solution
Spring 2011
According to Laswell, politics is “who gets what, how, when and where.” Suppose you are Secretary of XYZ Ministry. You want to set up a new department of security in your organization to protect employees. This cover’s ‘what’ portion of Laswell’s definition of politics. Please explain ‘how’ organizational politics can be used in this case? Why politics is essential to setup a new department?
Harold Lasswell defined values as desired goals and power as the ability to participate in decisions, and he conceived political power as the ability to produce intended effects on other people. In our particular scenario the secretary of XYZ Ministry wants a new department for the employees of the Ministry. To achieve this goal the Secretary must establish the fact that this new department is a need for the employees. Lasswell also maintained that power is held by the elite so the decision and work to establish the department must come through the secretary and after its completion the employees should be informed of it.

Monday, April 18

ECO 402 Assignment # 1 Solution

ECO 402 Assignment# 1Solution
Semester Spring Fall 2011
Question no 1:
a. Ali has certain amount of money and he has to spend on two goods apple and strawberries. Suppose Ali completely prefers strawberries than apple.
How you will see this particular situation in the consumer equilibrium theory?
b. Support your answer with the help of graph.
(Marks: 2+3)

For the first question the answer is "corner solution.” As according to the corner solution ,if a consumer buys in extremes and buys all of the one category of good mean completely prefer one good over the other .In this situation the indifference curves are tangent to the horizontal and vertical exis.For the graph look in the lecture number 8 page no 50 in the topic of corner solution.

Question no 2:
Keeping in view the given data for the construction of roads from the year 2000 to year 2004, calculate the nominal price for the roads construction in each year.
Take year 2000 as base year where required.

For question number 2 the formula is given as follows

Nominal price = CPI (current year)/CPI (base year)*Real price.
Here is the solution for the first year. Solve others by similar formula.
Nominal Price for the year 2000 = 45.5/45.5*5550

Nominal Price for the year 2000= 5550

Sunday, April 17

Cs201 Assignment# 1 Solution

CS 2O1 Introduction To Programming
Assignment# 1 Solution
Semester Spring 2011

int amount(char, int);
      int days;
      int rent;
      char model;
      char name[20];
      char carNo[10];
      cout << "Please provide cumstomer Name\t";
      cin >> name;
      cout << "\nPlease provide Car Model Description" << endl << endl;
      cout << "\tEnter 'A' for Model 2009.\n";
      cout << "\tEnter 'B' for Model 2010.\n";
      cout << "\tEnter 'C' for Model 2011.\n";
      cin >> model;
      cout << "\nplease provide following information:" << endl << endl;
      cout << "Car No:\t\t";
      cin >> carNo;
      cout << "Number of days\t";
      cin >> days;
      cout << endl << endl;
           case 'A':
           case 'a':
                      cout << "Customer Name:\t" << name << endl;
                      cout << "Car Model:\t2009" << endl;
                      cout << "Car No:\t\t" << carNo << endl;
                      cout << "Number of days:\t" << days << endl;
                      rent = amount(model, days);
                      cout << "Your Rental Amaount is:\t" << rent << endl;
           case 'B':
           case 'b':
                      cout << "Customer Name:\t" << name << endl;
                      cout << "Car Model:\t2010" << endl;
                      cout << "Car No:\t\t" << carNo << endl;
                      cout << "Number of days:\t" << days << endl;
                      rent = amount(model, days);
                      cout << "Your Rental Amaount is:\t" << rent << endl;
           case 'C':
           case 'c':
                      cout << "Customer Name:\t" << name << endl;
                      cout << "Car Model:\t2011" << endl;
                      cout << "Car No:\t\t" << carNo << endl;
                      cout << "Number of days:\t" << days << endl;
                      rent = amount(model, days);
                      cout << "Your Rental Amaount is:\t" << rent << endl;
                   cout << "please select only 2009, 2010, 2011 car models";
int amount(char m, int d){
    if(m == 'A' || m == 'a')
    return (5000 * d);
    else if(m == 'B' || m == 'b')
    return (8000 * d);
    else if(m == 'C' || m == 'c')
    return (10000 * d);

CS 302 Assignment# 1 Solution

CS302: Digital Logic Design
Assignment No. 01
Semester: Spring 2011

1.Convert 10101100 binary numbers to its decimal equivalent.172 (2 Marks)

=0*20 + 0*21+1*22+1*23+0*24+1*25+0*26+1*27
=    1      2       4        8       16      32     64     128
=0*1 + 0*2  +1*4  +1*8 +0*16 +1*32 +0*64 +1*128

2. Convert  decimal  number  374  to Octal number. (2 Marks)
Answer: 566




3. Convert the following 0110100000111001 (BCD) in to decimal number. (2 Marks)

0110  1000   0011   1001   convert into 4-bit code
6          8          3          9      decimal numbers according to BCD

Answer:   6839

4.Convert B2A16 to Octal5452 (2 Marks)
In hex system B = 11 and A = 10
= 11*162 + 2*161  +  10*160
= 2816+32+10
=2858 decimal

Now in octal number
Answer : 5452 octal




5.Convert decimal number 3085 to hex   (2 Marks)
A= 10
B= 11
C= 12
D= 13
E= 14
F= 15

Answer: C0D



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